salud vida

salud vida

Page y sus colaboradores argumentan que las células en las hembras, que tienen dos cromosomas X (XX) tienen diferencias sutiles pero fundamentales con las células masculinas que tienen un cromosoma X y uno Y (XY).

This should be great news for our community which has one of the highest burdens of diabetes in the nation, and perhaps the world. So why does the Rio Grande Valley still have higher rates of amputation and other disabilities and complications among diabetics? Why do we hear of so many relatively young people in their 40s and 50s dying of heart attacks and strokes? Because access to this beneficial education and consistent effective treatment is limited for the majority of our local population. So while we know what works, the uninsured and underinsured don’t have access to these life-improving, and in some cases life-saving remedies.

El cromosoma Y ha perdido cientos de sus genes en unos trescientos millones de años de evolución, pero una veintena de genes tenaces que, en su mayoría, poco tienen que ver con el sexo, aseguran la supervivencia de los hombres, según un estudio difundido este miércoles.

“My body was not functioning well but now that I have my blood sugar down, and am losing some weight, I feel revived. I knew I was diabetic but was never able to afford a doctor. I didn’t know how important eating healthy and moving was to controlling the diabetes. And now that I’ve gotten into the clinic and started being consistent with the medication, I feel like a new person!”

“Hay, aproximadamente, una docena de genes que se conservan en el Y presentes en células y tejidos de todo el cuerpo”, indicó Page, y añadió que “algunos de esos genes participan en la decodificación e interpretación del genoma entero”.

Elvia* nervously steps on the scale and hands me the folded card she pulls from her pocket. As I write the weight onto the card, her face lights up and she announces that she has lost 2 pounds this week. “I lost an inch too! It’s working!” The room spontaneously explodes in applause for her, although they had all been focused on writing their goals for this week. “Felicidades mihita”, an older lady touches Elvia’s arm as she makes her way back to her seat beaming.

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