buena salud

buena salud

La infraestructura de este gigantesco certamen cuenta, adems del personal mdico, con dos ambulancias medicalizadas, un desfibrilador en cada uno de los escenarios, adems de que los pequeos atletas estn cubiertos por una pliza de seguros, y la exigencia de que cada uno debe tener actualizada su afiliacin a la EPS.

WFN network of doctors, trainers and nutritionists reach as far as Germany and Australia to eventually become the largest HRT, TRT Compound Pharmaceutical Company globally. Dr. Hector Rodriguez goal is to eliminate the negative perception of the utilization of Testosterone, Estrogen, HGH and other compounds to live a healthy lifestyle and get the body you have always desired

Esta legin de personal de salud est comandada por el mdico deportlogo scar Mario Cardona (Indeportes Antioquia), quien al lado de Winston Tobn fue uno de los primeros galenos en vincularse al Ponyftbol.

Wellness, Fitness and Nutrition has been in existence since 1993, originally just offering nutrition and physique transformation consulting locally across Florida and Latin America. Since then, they have expanded throughout the United States, Latin America and other countries. Wellness, Fitness and Nutrition was built around the mission to provide its client’s high impact and result driven products and services to achieve their maximum physique. Our top priority is to use all our partners, expertise, and resources available to us in order to optimize results you would not be able to achieve anywhere else. We accomplish this through our many years of experience as the leader globally in Hormone Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Anabolic’s, Nutrition, Personal Training and Bodybuilding Consulting.

“Por medio del Festival, hemos impartido la cultura de la prevencin dentro de los participantes. Es la formacin en estilos de vida saludable. Aqu les ayudamos con la higiene postural, las normas de proteccin y hasta en el empleo de su calzado deportivo”, refrenda el educador fsico del politcnico Juan David Restrepo, quien realiz el curso de APH en El Sena.

Wellness Fitness Nutrition and its partners solutions are compounded under the stringent USP 797 guidelines for sterile compounding, and sterility, endotoxin, potency and pH testing is performed on every batch. Our quality-assurance process ensures the consistency and uniformity of every compound we dispense.